Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

good news. very, very good news.

Hey, what's goin' on?

I discovered something today that was a HUGE
relief to me, and I think it will be to you,
as well.

(If you're already earning at least $20,000 / month
online, then this is actually going to be bad news
for you, because the complex way that you're used
to do things is going away.)

If you're like me, then feeling OVERWHELMED is a big
hindrance to your success…

It always feels like there is just "so much to do"…

Right when you think you're on the cusp of something,
a new "shiny object" comes out that looks to be the
latest and greatest…

And everybody and their uncle would love to sell you
something that adds to the complexity.

I think that's probably why most people never earn a
red cent online, because there's just so much out
there that clogs people's minds, preventing them from
doing ANYTHING at all.

That's why I was really relieved to watch the video
that you're about to see. It gives hope to the rest
of us who can't do EVERYTHING, and don't want to be
bogged down with complex business models.

In fact, the whole case study that your about to watch
is about one site that just did *one thing* correctly,
and it got a huge reward because of it.

Below, you'll see the case study that went completely
wrong, and as a result, it "only" generated a lump sum
payment of $80,000 (even though it didn't do most of
the complex stuff that you're told to).

Click here to see the case study:

Why did this site make so much after doing many things
wrong? Simple: the owner of the site did *one thing* right
and built equity into the website, and then he cashed
out to an investor.

Notice that the site isn't selling any products, it's
hideously ugly, and it's done a lot of things wrong,
but it still pumped out a huge payday.

And the site is so dirt simple that a nine year old
could make it.

The reason the video is such a relief is because it
proves that you just have to do a little bit right,
and you'll see huge results. You *don't* have to do
EVERYTHING, as some people will suggest…

In fact, you can straight up copy the strategy followed
in the video… build a little bit, and then cash out for
a huge lump sum payment.

See how you can copy this approach below:

Feel free to straight up copy this strategy – heck,
there are a bunch of investors hoping that you do this
so that they can buy you out.

Talk soon.

Dylan Loh

P.S. Investors are waking up that the internet is the
place to get huge ROIs, and that's why they're shelling
out a ton of cash for tiny, ugly websites. Watch this
video to cash in on the trend:


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