Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Secrets of Sites That Get 1 Million Visitors Daily

The greatest challenge of any website owner is and continues to
be traffic. Many website operators, e-commerce specialists and
regular businessmen and women continue to ponder new ways to
attract a horde of reliable visitors. This however, continues to
be elusive. There are a number of reasons why traffic continues
to evade many websites:

No updated content

Poor design

Poor SEO strategies (this is HUGE)

Lack of knowledge of the target market
These and more continue to dominate the reasons why many websites
continue to experience a very dismal amount of traffic when
others are gathering thousands and even millions of visitors. A
casual visit to the Alexa site will reveal that the sites which
continue to attract the lion's share of online traffic are the
usual suspects which the rest of the Internet sites continue to

Traffic is the life-blood of your website or online business
This cannot be overstated. Many businessmen and women embark on
ambitious website plans and pay top dollars to programmers to set
up websites for them. The onset of the site is usually marked
with a high degree of excitement for the simple reason that these
website owners are very optimistic about the future. But their
dreams are quickly dashed after a few months after they realize
that other than them and their friends, no one else ever visits
the site. To make it even worse, many website owners possess no
tracking system of any sort. So they are completely in the dark
regarding who visited their sites, when, and from where.

Million visitors is possible
A million traffic visitors in a year? Craigslist gets a billion!
This is inconceivable for many. Craigslist is one of the ugliest
sites on the Internet yet it continues to outstrip the rest by
far to the extent that a few major companies including Microsoft
have experienced an interest in spending hundreds of milllions of
dollars to buy the site. But how exactly does Craigslist do it?

The right strategy pays off-but few know it
Mistake number one-Many website owners build a site and then
begin looking for traffic. That means that no traffic strategy
has been enacted before the site is launched. Because of this,
the site languishes and receives disappointing traffic. This can
be easily remedied by getting back to the drawing board and
producing a plan to attract traffic. While many people are
ignorant of exactly how to do this, there are a few who are
gifted with the right insight to attract a horde of hungry,
curious visitors to their websites every single day.

Are you looking to get 1 million unique visitors to your website
starting today?

Looking for information on how to get 1 million website visitors?

Rachel Long

Cash Expand Marketing, LLC, 848 N. Rainbow Blvd. #2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, United States

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