Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Use Your Phone - And Get Paid For It

Dear Friend:

Finally… you're in exactly the right place… at precisely
the right time.

In fact... you're right at the cash-rich "sweet spot" of a
trend… heck, a tsunami…



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… that's going to leave more wealth in its wake than anything
you've ever seen before.

You may not know it yet… but you've already got almost
everything you need… and I'm about to arm you with the last
missing pieces of the puzzle right here on this page.

And when you snap those last pieces into place… you'll see



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How can I promise you that?

Because I've personally leveraged mobile marketing to
repeatedly pull down pure profit commissions over $1,000 a day
while building dozens of lists (up to 22,312 people each)…

… even though I'm only 18 years old – with no college
degree, no training and no "unfair" advantages or head starts
of any kind.

And I'm not some kind of "dot-com" wizard, either: Believe
it or not, I stumbled into Internet marketing my freshman year of
high school after…



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I had started simple blog where I'd post the local parties
around L.A. – and I was just trying to figure out a way to make
a few bucks on the side but pretty soon the site was getting
thousands of hits a day…

… and sucking in hundreds of kids to every party I posted!

I thought it was going great… until I goofed and sent hundreds
of kids to a grandmother's house at 11 p.m. one night (oops!)

Still… I was onto something. Even if my friends thought I was a
little nuts.

(Think about it: Just by screwing around I'd ended up with a
website that sucked in visitors like a magnet and got them to go
anywhere I wanted…)

So I started site after site… and after I'd gone through 20
of them without making a DIME… I finally "cracked" the
affiliate marketing code… and pretty soon ...



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Trouble is… it didn't last (it was a little on the
"greyhat" side – just a "trick" that worked for a while
and then fizzled)…

If that had been it… well, I wouldn't have much to show

... or at most I'd have a couple "tricks" I could throw at
you that might make you money for a week or a month and then fall

What happened next though, is going to make 2010 the year
everything finally "clicks" for you in affiliate marketing



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Because even though every "guru" course was talking about
making money with the same tired old strategies they'd been
talking about since I was in middle school…

NOBODY was talking about how to make money from cell phones –
even though they were quickly turning into little pocket-sized
computers that could surf the Web, send email and text all at the
same time.

And the thing is… I noticed that me and my friends spent way
more time on our phones than sitting in front of a PC…

… and even though the Web was getting overrun with ads…
almost no one seemed to be trying to advertise on mobile phones
at all!



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A system that could never get "slapped" or "saturated"
because it's hitched to the biggest wave of the century…

… that lets me consistently and methodically build lists of
hundreds… thousands… even tens of thousands of eager buyers
in any niche I choose…



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… get paid to build those lists with daily commission windfalls
from ClickBank…CPA… even Amazon...



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… and do it all with no keyword lists to research… no
websites to build… no articles to write… and all the traffic
I know what to do with at a just a penny or two a click.

(It was what got me from a 14 year old used car with a blown
engine… to a brand new 2010 Audi A5 when I turned 18 this year)

In fact… you'll wonder why you bothered with PPC, SEO and the
rest of the usual Internet marketing alphabet soup once you

See what big time Internet Marketer Alex Shelton has to say about
Mobile Monopoly...



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You'll find it's like all the most insanely profitable (but
usually "gurus only") online cash cows – building lists of
buyers, scooping up ClickBank commissions, and scoring hot CPA
leads by the bucket load…

… have suddenly had had all the "complicated" parts tossed
out, leaving you with a clear straightaway to the money.

And if you're like me, once you start seeing the commissions
stack up in your accounts… and the wire transfers and checks
coming in… you'll never even look back at the "desktop
marketing" world again.



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Here's why mobile is the best way you'll ever find to
"break into" affiliate marketing right now – and why I'm
so sure the "next generation" of gurus are going to make
their bones by jumping on this wave before it EXPLODES…

The greatest part about mobile marketing is… not just that
it's so easy… but there are…



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After my first $1K a day "guru method" of making money
online, I promised myself I'd never waste time with
"tricks" again – because those kinds of "methods"
(whether they're about PPC, SEO, "media buying" or some
other ultra-competitive slog fest)…

… never work for long.

But that's exactly what the big gurus keep feeding you. Tricks.
Blackhat… greyhat… whitehat… bluehat…

… all just a bunch of gee-whiz mumbo jumbo that distracts you
long enough for them to pick your pocket one last time before
they get out of town.

There's a good reason for that: "Tricks" are all they have
left. All the "easy money" in the desktop PC Internet
marketing game is long gone… and you'd better believe the
gurus know it.

Maybe you've noticed how many "big launches" they've been
running lately…

…. maybe you've noticed some of the big honcho gurus
"retiring" to backpack the world or wander around in their
motor homes…

It's because they've seen the writing on the wall… and…



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And that's HUGE for you because these gurus are throwing in the
towel right before the biggest wave ever hits the beach.

This is happening right now – the old online "money holes"
are freezing over… the motherload is going mobile… and all
the "old school" marketers are left shifting the deck chairs
around before their ship goes down.

In fact… this is set to be the biggest "redistribution" of
wealth online since before the dot-com "tech wreck" of the
early 90's: All those "experts" sitting pretty on top of
big, lumbering businesses are in for a rough ride…

… and if you're JUST STARTING OUT, new and nimble with
nothing to "unlearn"… you're about to get in on the
ground floor and skip right to where it would have taken you
years to get to fighting it out on Google.

And it's not just me saying it – the companies on the inside
of this trend watching it play out are scrambling to
"reinvent" themselves from scratch to make mobile their new
best friend.

• It's why Google's not calling itself a "search
engine" anymore – their new mantra's "mobile first"…
and they're going on the record warning…



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… just three years from today.

It's why Apple doesn't want to be in the "computer
business" anymore – they're a "mobile company" now!

And the facts prove it's not just some "fad"… because…



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There are already 5 billion people walking around with mobile
phones --that means mobile is already nearly five times bigger
than the Internet

(Since you are going to be one of the first people to REALLY get
into mobile marketing, you need to understand just how huge this



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Apple just sold over 2 million more iPhones… and Google's
bragging that their customers are activating 160,000 Droid
smartphones a day!

(that's at the same time the biggest maker of desktop PC's is
on the verge of bankruptcy)…



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More than HALF of all new Internet connections are from mobile
"smartphones"… and…

These 5 billion cell phone owners… 51 million+ smartphone
surfers… are carrying these pocket-size computers around with
them around the clock!
(get this: 91% of Americans keep their cell phone within three
feet of them 24/7… and about a third of people with a cell
phone would rather be without their wallet than their phone!)

Think about it: If you timed out how much of the day you spent
with your cell phone vs. sitting at your computer… it
wouldn't even be close, would it?

(Yet most marketers have no clue how to market to people who
aren't glued to a desktop PC!)

Philip Mansour, Multi Millionaire online marketer thinks I'm NUTS
for giving this content away!

It gets even better, though, because…



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Once you see this… you'll understand right away why my mobile
conversion rates blow regular Internet marketing out of the

(Just imagine how easy it is to grab attention once you're the
only "call to action" on the screen… not fighting for
eyeballs with a dozen other AdWords ads or a slew of flashy
blinking banners)…

What this all means is…



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Nobody has an advantage over you at this moment – especially
not the "gurus"…

… but you have to take action right freaking NOW if you want to
be one of the early movers seizing the prime real estate and
holding the high ground when this trend hits its peak.

You've got time… but not much…

… so in the next couple minutes I'm going to show you exactly
how to turn yourself into a mobile marketing powerhouse before
your competition knows what hit them.

Here's the deal: You DON'T need to learn a whole new "bag
of tricks" with mobile – everything from building lists to
making money with ClickBank and CPA works on mobile just like on
the regular "desktop" Internet (it's just easier on

… and once you're up and running there's no need to go back
to the drawing board every few months because what works on
mobile STAYS working. No "algorithm changes"… no
"slaps"… no spiking keyword bids.

And if you're wondering why it took me six months to hit
paydirt if it's so easy…



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In the beginning, I treated mobile just like regular affiliate
marketing – and it took me a while before I realized I could
make lots more money by tapping into what people do most
naturally and effortlessly on their phones.

Once I solved that puzzle the money for that brand new Audi
didn't take long to make…

And I'm going to show you how to skip right past the six month
"learning curve" I went through and go for the "big
money" methods right away…

… with three fast-action modules that will let you "get
mobile" and out of the "stuck" learning phase that drags
most affiliates down.

There's no "theory" here, just the nitty-gritty "do it
once, get paid forever" stuff that's going to get you into
action faster than you ever imagined possible – I'm talking
about growth at frightening speeds you could only dream about

Because in these videos, I'm going to dive right into the good
stuff and show you…



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To Your Success,

Rachel Long



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Cash Expand LLC, 848 N. Rainbow Blvd. #2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, United States

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