Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Sequart is on Patreon


Sequart Organization has launched a Patreon fundraising campaign, and we humbly ask that you share this information with your comics and pop culture loving friends.

Comics and popular culture get more respect today than ever before. Yet they still lack a culture of smart criticism, and few are taking them seriously as legitimate forms of art.

Sequart Organization has been fighting this battle for almost two decades. And we're making a lot of progress.

Through a website with daily content, over twenty books in print, and six documentary films, Sequart Organization does everything it can to educate, stir thought, and be accessible to a general audience. We want you to be able to show us to your friends and say, "See? This is why comics and popular culture matter. These media can be every bit as deep as Shakespeare or anything else."

Running a website and a book line and a movie studio takes a huge amount of time and money. Google ads don't pay the bills, and 2000-word articles on comics / pop culture (that take hours or even days to write) can't compete for traffic with 200-word blurbs on movie gossip or celebrity wardrobe malfunctions.

We need to pay our editors and writers if we're going to grow. If you go to Patreon and make a donation, your contribution will help make us independent. It will help free us to focus on growing Sequart. It will allow us to expand our offerings online. And it will also help compensate our website editors and writers.

Those of you who have followed Sequart know how much we've grown over the years. We want to keep growing. We have tons of cool ideas, but we're limited by time and money. We all still have day jobs. Book and movie production involves irregular expenses, and it can be scary when the bills happen to clump together. Somehow, we've managed. But just barely. What we're trying to do with this Patreon campaign is just to make things a little easier. Having a monthly income through Patreon could really help smooth things out, lower our stress, and let us focus on making the website better and producing more books and movies.

We've come up with some cool rewards for our patrons, and, with your help, we're excited to see what this fundraising platform can help Sequart accomplish.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for helping us to dig deeper into comics and pop culture analysis.

Happy New Year!

Mike Phillips
Sequart Organization

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