Rabu, 04 September 2013

Someone just asked me a really silly question...

Someone asked a silly question the other day....

Ron sent me an email that just said this:

"Do you ACTUALLY help your team?"

At first I thought it was a ridiculous question...

...but then I took a trip down memory lane - just

a few years ago.

I remember what it was like to be in a business
where you couldn't find any help...

And, apparently this guy has been around the block
and gotten his butt kicked in this industry.

Maybe it's happened to you.

We jump in something expecting all this help

and great results....

....and as soon as we send our money we never

hear from the person and we never see results.

It happens WAY too often.

So after I thought about it for just a few

moments, I quickly realized that it's a

legitimate genuine question.

Here was my response to him:

"Ron - thanks for the question. It took

me back to just before I had success...

and I was in the same shoes you are.

Joining program after program - all I

wanted was someone to help me JUST

ONCE... and I would be out of their hair

and on my own.

I remember what it's like to want it so bad...

You can smell it and taste it. Because so

many others are achieving success, you

know it's in reach... you just don't know

exactly what to do.

I know this is a long response for such a

simple question - but your one line question

told a story of what you've been through.

So here's my rebuttal question:

Why wouldn't I help you?

When you look at Empower Network, how

it works, and the team concept involved,
why would I not want you being wildly


Let me give you an example:

Let's say I spend $200 in marketing and

it got me 5 sales.

Let's say those 5 sales paid me $1,000.

This is a very real example where my

profit would be $800.

Not too shabby.

Well guess what? If those 5 sales came

from my team instead and paid me roughly

$1000... what's my profit then?

$1000! See what I'm getting at?

Click Here 

If you're out there making money, then

that means I'm making money, too!

We both win!

And, if I have enough people succeeding, then

I can completely quit my marketing and help

people like you full time without having to

advertise myself at all.

So with that said, just get in, and let's make

it happen. Put your fears aside, remove that

resistance, and I'll be there to help!"

So, in short, I'd be a MORON not to help you!

That's why you get:

-- a private team site where you can "look over my shoulder"
-- tons of video tutorials
-- my personal autoresponder/email library
-- a weekly team call/webinar to ask questions
-- details on where I market
-- the actual ads I run
-- instructions on how to market just like I do

And that's just from ME! That doesn't even
count what you get from Empower Network!

Will I help you?

I'd be stupid not to help you! :)

I'd rather get 5 pass ups every day than 5

sales on my own.


Because then we both win, not just me.

You and I both make money... not just me.

So, just like I told Ron - remove that

resistance and just get in.

You can't be a scaredy-cat entrepreneur.

You have to make that decision, and

together we'll make it happen.

Remember, money is renewable... time is

not. Don't waste anymore time.

I'll see you at the top!

Anan Lashin 

Join at http://www.weirdmarketingtips.com/join.php?id=alx 
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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