Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

OMG - Front Page Results Blogging on Empower Network?

My team and I just received this from Empower Network Member, Gary:


I would so very much like to talk to you & share my excitement about Empower network.

My 3rd actual post. FRONT page on some search engines. I'm not even
doing all of the advanced stuff ... yet... plus of course my page is
ranked due to Empower Network (the other is not).

I just had to share, I suppose just let me work through s'more of it.


PS: my "Welfare 2 Wealth" story just took it's 1st "Baby-Step" that gives me the incentive to "Do-It-Again"!

THAT is Awesome Gary - Congratulations!

Another feather in the cap of Empower Network!

NOTE to Members:

Make sure you are blogging EVERY day, to get
spidered into the search engines and allow the
Empower Network domain name to LIFT your
content UP, just like it did Gary's, and so many
countless members using the Empower Network
Viral Blogging System.

Promote your Primary Business.

Promote Empower Network.

Promote yourself and your own brand...

Any way you want to use the Empower Network,
you can.


Text Blog.

Video Blog.


Press Releases.

Whatever you want.

Whatever Content you post, is riding
on the Empower Network domain,
jockeying for position on search
engines, based on the combination
of your content, plus the domain itself.

Empower Network is in the Top 250
most trafficked sites in the US.

Top 500 in the World.

250,000 pages indexed in search engines.

5,000+ Blog Posts being made daily.

Smart Online Network Marketers are
are using the Empower Network Viral
Blogging System
to grow their businesses
and make...

100% Commissions on each qualifying


You've gotta see this for yourself and
experience THE most talked about
Marketing Tool
& Training in years!

If you don't have your EN Basic Membership
Viral Blogging System or 100% Commission
Marketing Funnel...

See the Video that Started it all...

Watch this Video

Or... just join here < ---

Anan Lashin 

Make People FALL IN LOVE With YOU :-)

My Favorite 3 "Tricks"...

I'll be strait forward and short today....

If you're wasting time, wandering around, struggling to make a sale or two in your business....

....I'm about to SHOW YOU 3 'tricks' anyone can do that will get people to fall in love with joining your business and buying stuff from you (AKA: giving you money).

And these three things have worked for people with a list, without a list ...and even clueless newbies.

You'll love them - I guarantee it!

Click Here And See How To Use Them :-)


- Anan Lashin

P.S. Obviously, the only way money is ever made is when something is sold (duh!).

So knowing how to sell lot's of stuff (or having a system that sells lot's of stuff for you) can make make you A LOT of money.

Really good news:

Thousands of people have used our system (and our favorite 3 tricks) to rack up sales, and rake in cash.

See it in action, and get started today.....

Click Here and Check It Out :-)

How to Close with EASE - This was amazing!

Last night, thousands of Empower Network
Members PACKED a LIVE Conference Call.

On it.....

....an ex-construciton worker, who used to swing
a hammer for 10 hours every day, taught people
how to close more sales in their businesses...

...with EASE.

(FYI - he's not a construction worker anymore
- watch him right here and find out why)

So, if you're not closing at least one sale a day
right now, no matter which business you are in...

You want to find out why.

(trust me, it's easier than you think)

You'll even see how to close more sales than
the so called "heavy hitters"...

....all WITHOUT ever picking up the phone.

(it's a simple trick and it works nearly 100%
of the time)

So if you want to go places and do things in
your business - you need to know how to market,
and CLOSE.

And that's what you're about to discvover how
to do....

With this exact System, Training & Community

Look, here's what you must understand.

If you you've been wondering why selling
& making money has eluded you for so long,
the training inside the walls of the Empower
Network, will solve that problem....for good.

All you have to do is get started here < ---

Because once you do, you will have access
to a world that you can't even imagine.

One filled with...




100% Commissions.

And all the Time & Financial Freedom you've
ever longed for.

Plus, everything you need to become a superstar
in your Primary Business if you have one.

Trust me.

You are so close.

Watch this and pay close attention to every word.

Then, at minute 23, you'll know what to do.

Be in touch with your New Member Welcome
Message then.

Anan Lashin 

P.S. Once you join our 'Inner Circle', you'll have
complete access to the call I mentioned above.

PLUS, dozens of others that are filled with exactly
what you want to know, in order to start filling
YOUR bank account with 100% Commissions,
and whatever extra you make from your full time

Start here and go through the first 2 steps at least,
to see exactly what everyone's talking about. 

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

$168,158 in 10 days while on vacation...

Sometimes, you can have a life changing

...when you realize something, make a
decision, and all of the sudden - everything
in your life instantly changes.

Lawrence Tam realized this.

I've been gone for the last 10 days, hanging
out in an exotic retreat in Guanacaste Costa
Rica  with 100
or so marketing badasses from all over the

...while there, I got to learn some secrets
that normally don't get talked about, connect
with our leaders and build a new vision, and
hear some incredible success stories.

For example - something I don't talk about
a lot, is a side affect from a mentoring program
I have called 'The Inner Circle' where we break
down the structure of marketing magic in a way
that's easy to understand...

...as a side affect, I don't know if you've ever
had a moment in life where you realize something,
make a decision, and have a transformation in
your life.

Scott made a decision that saved his life.

While David Sharpe was training, my brother Aki
pulled me aside, and told me about a guy in the
audience (scott) who LITERALLY said that
the Inner Circle saved his life.

I wanted to hear his story, so I brought him down.

He had written his story down on a napkin, and
as he talked, he was looking down, visibly shaking...

...he shared a story about how he was driving down
the road with stolen medical supplies, headed towards
his home where he was going to take his own life.

Then all of a sudden, traffic stopped.

Stuck behind a mile of honking cars, Scott realized that
he couldn't kill himself on the freeway, so he turned
on an audio training from the Inner Circle, and heard

...that didn't change his life - it saved it.

What he learned was the secret.

The same secret you can learn.

When you click here.

He turned the medical supplies back in, and made
a decision - a new decision - that he was not only
worthy of greatness...

...that he's going to take action, now.

As he shared the secret, and how it had saved his
life, 100 people rose to their feet, on the ocean
side of Costa Rica, roaring with applause...

...not at what they had just learned - at the story
of victory from this man - who at the brink of
suicide, rose from the ashes - and now...

...you can, too.

When you make a decision, and take massive
action, and you have clarity of purpose...

...there's only one thing that can stop you:

And that's if your plan doesn't work in the
way that you want it to.

I realized something, in an instant - while walking
through the mountains a little over a year ago.

I realized that the plan was broken.

I realized that GOOD PEOPLE were trying to
make money online, had an action plan...

...and it wasn't working.

I realized that people weren't getting rich following
the way of the Gurus, and that something had to
change, now, and...

...a year later, after realizing this and being gone for
10 days - not even sending an email...

...I made $168,158 in 10 days while on vacation -
hanging out with the richest team I've ever met
in Network Marketing.

These are not Gurus.

They don't even do product launches.

They don't run around managing 1,000 websites.

None of them even understand technology.

The best part?

Any single person in my team can out earn me - I'm
just leading by example.

What does $168,158 in 10 days while on vacation
mean to you?

* I'm not talking about sales, I'm talking about income
as an affiliate, from my personal account - selling my
own stuff, just like I teach you to do...

...when you click here now.

So what does it mean?

It means that finally you have a plan that's working.

It means that finally you can get the results that you want.

It means that if you make a decision, and get all in,
you can change your life in a moment.

It means that you can travel with us to exotic locations,
and live the life of your dreams...

...it means:

It's YOUR TURN now.

(click here to make a decision for only $25)

You, like Scott, can learn the secret.

It's your turn now.

It's time to take action, make a decision, and
get the results that you want.

It's time to break through.


Let's lock arms, and fight the forces of evil.

Get in, now, by clicking this...

...and see the video here.

-Anan Lashin 
"the Guru Slayer"

Click here to get in.

Your Only 2 Options for Banking Serious Online Success

If you want to avoid the vicious cycle of
buying expensive marketing courses, and
getting very frustrated....

And then...

Buying another course & getting frustrated....

And buying another course & getting frustrated...

This is your 'Frustration Free Solution' < ---

Because you've really only got 2 Options....

1. Either go out and learn....

- Presentation skills
- Persuasive selling language
- Communication leverage tactics
- Hypnotic language patterns

....and a whole slew of other time
consuming stuff you really don't want
to bother with (if you're honest).


2. Just use this and focus on one thing < ---

Creating content that you enjoy and
then getting traffic to your website.

Sure beats the alternative .....any day.

21,731 other people think so.

So much that they earned 5,733,441.12
in just their first 21 weeks.

Go here and see what they saw <---


Get in now at the 'Speed Bonus' Page

I'll send you a link to our Private Facebook
Group now being called, "The No More Struggle,
Making it Hand over Fist" Team.

Watch for the link once you get on board.

Join here for all instant access < ---

Anan Lashin 

P.S. You are letting way too much time go
by without taking action.

If you are tired of struggling, just get in already.

100% Commissions.

Paid INSTANTLY to your account.

No hassles.

No headaches.

Nothing but Traffic, Leads & Sales.

For your Primary Business if you have one.

Or... just for your bank account.

If you have one, fill it up by using this < ---

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Simple Free List Building Tip

Just recently, a tip was posted by a Top Leader
in our Private Facebook Group, now being

A 'Secret Society of Commission Fiends'!

To see how they all got started, watch this < ---

Seriously, the members in this group have
gobbled up dozens of 'Marketing & Sign Up Tips'
over the past few weeks, and are driving Leads,
Sales & Commissions like they've never seen
before in their professional 'home based business' lives.

They've got plenty of people to talk to, people
contacting THEM, and are making sales with both
affiliate offers & their Primary Businesses like never

I am truly blown away.

( Unfortunately, I cannot post the tip here because
the Group would publicly stone me, I think- lol - but...
you will get Complete Access to this HOT List Building Tip
inside our Facebook Group when you decide to get started <---

So, here's the deal:

On TOP of literally DOZENS of Marketing Tips, Tricks
& Strategies that are flying around this Private Facebook
Group every week...

People are growing their Businesses like CRAZY!

People to talk to, people contacting THEM, and they
are making sales with both affiliate offers & their Primary
Businesses like never before.

Talk about multiple streams of income.

Leads, Sales & Commissions are coming in all day,
every day.


If you've had ENOUGH of the pain of NOT making
what you want from your home based business, and
are ready to become a 'Commission Fiend' like thousands
of people who are KILLING it online with us...

You gotta start somewhere.

Click Here & Join at the Bonuses Page < ---


Start here if you missed the video that explains everything < ---

See you in the Facebook Group and be in touch over there,

Just get in here <--- and I'll be in touch with you then.

Anan Lashin 

P.S. Every day more and more people are joining
the Empower Network, growing their businesses
like never before.

People who've struggled are FINALLY making
the breakthroughs that they've been puzzled by for

It's all right here for you < --- Just get started now

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Faster Success Online....by 95%

Can you hear the collective 'WOW'

that's rockin' the online world right now?

Who knew that >>> this System <<< would

help THOUSANDS of people make it BIG


Kevin made 6K after just plugging in!

Christina made 113K in the past 5 months,

laying down in her bed due to nerve disorders!

John made 10K in his 2nd month, after losing

everything he had in a bad real estate deal!

Justin, who never made more than 1K per

month online, just had his first $2,500 day

and went from 4K last month to over 42K

in the last 30 days.

Ask any one of them and they'll tell you that

this System is EASILY 95% Faster to make

money with than anything they've ever seen


I could go on and on about all the breakthrough

stories emerging from this group.

THOUSANDS of people making 100%

Commissions, lining their pockets with success,

many for the FIRST time ever!

100 here. 200 there. 500 here. 800 there.

1K per DAY, day in and day out.

Apparently, this killer system is what's doing it

for thousands.

Because there is a proven formula.

A simple plan of action.

Like a whole new evolution of online business,

without all the challenges of actually running an

'online' business.

Less headaches.

Less hassles.

Faster results than just about anything I've ever

seen, really.

No set up.

Everyone uses this to make all their money

No web design.

No videos.

No autoresponders.

95% Faster is pretty much the deal here.

How do I know?

Well, 42,391 people have paid for the products,

and thousands have now made over 12.3 million

with this in the first 10 months alone...

And people who've struggled before, are actually

making it hand over fist.

I mean, I get it.

Just watch this and you'll probably get it too.

Actually, if you've already watched it, at least

one time, just get it here < ---

Because that's the fastest way to get into fast

profit immediately.

This one is a pure winner!

Anan Lashin

P.S. Just watch this first and then you'll see how

to join us after everyone shares their stories.

Or, if you've already seen the video that started

it all... just get in here <---

I'm IN - I'm OUT - I'm Out - I'm In...Severe WARNING

Seriously - if you've ever been in any type
of Home Based Business in the past, this
is typically what people go through in their
first 30 days.

Because it takes forever for them to see results.

And they struggle profusely for weeks & months
on end.

But not with what we're doing

The amount of Traffic, Leads & Sales that are
being generated right now, is literally unheard of.

Over 1,000,000 page views per day.

Thousands of different keywords.

YOU pick what you want to rank for, put
up some simple content and see how powerful
it is/.

Imagine getting more visitors to your websites
than you could handle in one day...

More Leads than you could possibly talk to
in one day...

And more Sales than you've ever made in your
entire professional career...

All because you own this one little Viral Blogging
that ranks for Top Spots on Thousands of
Keywords of YOUR choice.

Not only is this possible, but it's also highly
PROBABLE, once you have this and use our
'No Brainer' Marketing Funnel & System to
drive your results.

My Best Advice for you right now...

Get ALL IN < ---

I'll send you a Welcome Message with the
exact Instructions for your Fast Start Training
& how to join our Private Facebook Group
for Immediate Access to Daily Assignments
& Swipe Copy for all your Social Media.

Be in touch with you then,

Anan Lashin 

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

What Stops 'Good' people from making money online

Below in the P.S. I include Instructions
on how to join our Facebook Group.

What's going on there is unbelievable.

Thousands of people making money
are chatting away, talking about how
they are doing it, not a care in the world!

I've never seen anything like this before.

Where so many people who've never done
well are finally making hundreds, even
thousands per week... and showing others
exactly what they are doing to make it work.

To see what they are talking about, go here.

But anyway...

I've been thinking a lot lately about
the shear number of people around the
world, who literally sit around and brainstorm
about how to make money online.

It's tremendous actually - because everyone
knows that there is a ton of money to be
made - IF you know what you're doing.

Think about how many people are online
right now, as you're reading this, buying

Wouldn't it be great if you could get a few
hundred of them every month to buy directly
from... you?!

Problem is... very few people know how
to get traffic and generate leads, let alone
make sales online with an automated funnel

It's a serious problem for most people
because they have NO idea what they
are doing or even where to start.

They're good people and are willing to
work hard to be successful... it's just not
that easy if you don't have anyone to show
you exactly what to do or how to do it.

Well, luckily, there's a new group that just
started on Facebook that has thousands
of people talking and posting about how
they are generating...

...Hoards of Traffic, Leads & Sales.

The whole discussion surrounds some
pretty simple techniques that were developed
by a couple of guys who swear that they can
show pretty much anyone with a computer
that wants to make money online...

How to get people to literally "Fall In Love"
with buying stuff from you.

Apparently it works, because over 21,000
people have now been paid out nearly 4.3
million dollars in only 19 weeks with this stuff.

It might or might not be for you, but if you
have ever attempted to have your own online
income streams, even just to take some of
the financial pressure off, but had nobody to
show you what to do or how to do it...

You should see this video right away < ---

Watch for the 3 things that everyone's doing
to make people buy like crazy and drive ridiculous
income into their accounts.

In the video you'll see how it all works and get
a better understanding about how simple they've
made this for most people wanting to really do
something now, and not wait any longer to start
having money come in fast.

Check it out here and I'll be in touch again soon.

Anan Lashin 

P.S. I keep telling you about how helpful
everyone in our Facebook Group is.

Well, just the other day, all the people
generating the most traffic, leads & sales,
has committed to sharing with everyone,
exactly what they are doing.

I've seen it and let me tell you - if you
just implemented just ONE of these strategies,
you could probably replace your full
time income FAST.

Do a few of them, and there's no telling
how much success you could experience.

For the first time ever, you have a chance
to finally win!

If you are ready that is.

Take a risk.

The odds are in your favor.

Just do what everybody else is doing and you'll
get what they're getting.

Here's the link to get started < ---

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Relieving Your Financial Burden Forever

Imagine that for a second.

What it would be like to have...

Plenty of money.

Plenty of free time.

No more stress.

No more pressure.

The life you've always wanted.

The ability to do what you
want, when you want, with
whom you want?

No boss.

No job.

No stress.

Millions of people live life this way.

They don't have a job.

They work from home.

They have their own income streams.

And they are "Virtual" because
they are online, mobile, portable
and very versatile.

You can run your business from a
smart phone these days.

iPhone, Razr, Droid, Black Berry.

How great would THAT be?

Would you travel more?

Take more vacations?

Do the things you really want to do?

How about just plain ole 'relax'?

If you are like most people, then
you are looking for a better way
to make money.

We know that working a traditional
job is not the answer.

And, we know that doing business
the "traditional" way is not the answer.

The Soluton:

An Online Marketing System that's
allowed thousands to start a virtual
"Avalanche of Profits"...

Pumping out cash every hour of every day.

Imagine that for yourself.

Would you want something like this?

If it were real?

With a Step By Step Guide that's
putting thousands into people's pockets...

Sound too good to be true?

Well what if it WAS true, but you didn't
take the time to find out.

Watch this video and see how people are
KILLING it online right now with this simple,
proven..."Perpetual Cash Machine".

Whether you already have a business
or not...

The key to success is this...

Traffic, Leads & Sales.

Get more of them and you are on
your way to the life you've always wanted.

But HOW do you do it?

It's a LOT easier than you think actually.

MLMers, Direct Sales People & Network

For the first time ever, are seeing amazing
results in their business...

Selling MORE of whatever they market.

Any Product, Any Company.

You can SCORE big...

Using this 'Front End' System to Make
Money, before your downline shows up.

Before you sell your main product.

Before you go broke trying to figure
out how it all works.

If this is YOU, you deserve to see this now

At minute 23, you will see something that
could change your life forever.

As soon as you get on board with us, we'll
send you a link to our Private Facebook Group
where you'll get daily assignments with Swipe
Copy from the top earners who share every
day with the team, exactly what to do and how
to do it.

It doesn't get any better than this my friend!

See you on the 'inside',

Anan Lashin 

P.S. Check out what's happening for people
that have already gotten started with us:

"Never have I seen a group that actually cares about their
people as much as these guys. Imagine giving 100%
commissions. I am getting about $450 per day in new
referrals and added income. In less than 10 days I am
already at about $2700 in monthly residual income
+ additional $500 one time sales. WOOHOO! And I have
only blasted out an email about every other day to a pretty
small group of people. I LOVE this System!"

- Ed P.


"Been with Empower Network for 13 days and have made
just shy of $10,000! I am PUMPED about what we are
doing here in EN because I have also had so many people
who have NEVER made money online, or in their Network
Marketing Business, finally do it here. Now we can help
build a person's posture, now we help people feel good
about sponsoring into their primary business, and now we
can truly EMPOWER people to live the life of their dreams!
Thanks Dave and Dave, we love you for this!"

- Tracey W.


In my first 6 days with Empower Network I had already
earned $1,050. I wish this system had been around when
I first started online a few years ago.

- Carl W.


For years I had struggled to be in business for myself. Some of
the businesses I started did just ok. More recently (in the past
1-1/2 yrs.) all I did was spend money and never made any money.
Until now! Until Empower Network. Although right now I'm
not slamming it, I made my first $100 commission in less than
24 hrs. I am not and will not get suckered into anything else.
Empower Network is where it's at and where I'm staying

- Debra H.


$1,075 so far... $575 Residual. I've been involved in the
industry six months, part-time. I built a 70+ person team
in my primary opportunity... which pays me roughly
$200/residual. In 11 days with Empower, I've almost
tripled that. This thing is amazing! Real money, real fast,
with REAL Support from people who care.

- Tim B.


I joined the Empower Network 4 days ago. I made my
first sale online sale today! To say I am blown away
would be an 'understatement'. I wish this system was
around when I first started online. It would have saved
me years. Thank you."

- Dona D.


In only 5 days of work I got $3,318.67 deposited into
my bank account, and then I took a week off to go
cruising around the mountains... I love this stuff guys!

- Jordan S.

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

How broke people become rich very quickly

Notice I said, "broke" - not "brokEN".

Big difference.

If you really think about it...

Just about every modern day guru
in our profession who got rich fast,
used to:

- wait tables
- live in his parents basement
- qualify for food stamps
- be an out of work actor
- deliver mail on his bike
- sell mufflers
- live in a van down by the river

You know - the stories are good.

Damn good.

And they're all true - every one of them.

Broke before they got rich.

So what was it that made these guys & gals
start really raking it in?

The Answer...

They get paid 100% Commissions on the
products they sell.

That's right - 100% Commissions.

But unless YOU have your own products,
chances are, no matter how hard you work
to make sales for your Network Marketing
or Direct Sales Company, you'll only ever
keep 5% to maybe 40% if you're lucky.

But that's not 100% - is it.

And...in most cases, you'll have to wait weeks,
even months to get paid for your work.


But what if you didn't have to?

What if you COULD start making 100%
Commissions on your sales, starting from
your very first sale?

It's just like you owning your own product!

And what if you could Get paid INSTANTLY,
the moment a sale was made?

And get ALL of the money, DIRECTLY
deposited into YOUR Bank Account?

Well the great news is, you CAN.

Because a Commission Loophole has been
discovered and YOU have got to know about it.

Make a sale today - get paid within minutes.

100% Commissions, right into YOUR bank

Marketing real, legit products & services
that EVERYONE wants, EVERYONE needs,
and EVERYONE can afford.

In it's first 10 days, $537,000 was paid out.

In it's first 30 days, over 1,000,000 was paid

In just its first 16 weeks, over 4.1 million paid

And it keeps on getting better.

Instant Cash Deposits, 100% Commissions,
100% of the time.

Use this money to pay off some bills.

Get out of debt.

Relax and take a vacation.

Go to the beach.

Drink some Pina Coladas.

Just start making 100% Commissions.

And start doing whatever the heck you want.

It's real, it's really happening, and it could
start happening for you too.

Quit watching everyone else make 100%

Join the party already.

We're having a ton of fun - making money.

100% Commissions.

Watch this Video to See for Yourself...

Be in touch again soon,

Anan Lashin 

P.S. The best part about being paid 100% Commissions
on products & services that everybody wants, needs and
can afford, is that the money gets deposited directly into
YOUR bank account INSTANTLY - so no waiting around
for piddly little commission checks that barely cover your

You get ALL of the commissions, FAST & FURIOUS!

Watch this video to get the details - it's so worth your time. 

EXACTLY how to make $36,405 in only 30 days. (VIDEO)


Turn off TV, skype, cellphone and WATCH this webinar, if you are serious about getting rid of your BILLS and DEBTS in next 30 days:

Click HERE if you dont see video above

See you on the Beaches of the World!

Anan Lashin 

Watch it here 

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Test Results are IN - You want to see this [For Home Biz Owners Only]

Something BIG is happening.

(REALLY big)

Actually, it's making people rich.

And it started out as only a BETA Test.

And even though it was merely
an idea - it still drove over 4.3
Million in 100% Commissions
into people's bank accounts...

In only 19 weeks.


Starting with a $25 Viral Blogging
System that has gotten thousands
of pieces of content on the first
page of search engines for thousands
of different search terms, and created
an additional 273,000 leads for
people all around the world.

Unheard of.

Even the gurus are stumped - and PISSED!

And I want you to be informed so
that you can make the right decision
for yourself (and your business...
and your family, which is always how
you should make decisions)

Because the doors are open... again!

This time, there is no BETA Test.

There is no "practice run".

This is not an idea.

There will be no "let's see what happens".

The Test Results are IN.

And now...

This is a Movement.

And what we know has already happened,
is about to happen... AGAIN.

This time, you could be on board with us.

Because here are the facts:

- We've got over 100 people who have
now earned over $5,000 in the affiliate program...
in just 19 Weeks

- We had a day last week where 35 people
made over 1K in less than 3 hours

- The 33rd highest paid affiliate has earned
right at $20,000 - the number #5 affiliate has
earned over $93,000 (do the math - this is big)

- The funnel converts at numbers people
are not used to seeing - anywhere (but then again,
they don't write copy like this either)

- The products and marketing system focuses
you on 2 things...

... Creating content AND generating traffic
(you keep it simple - this System does the rest)

- The training program is developing previous
non-trepreneurs, into actual RESULTS Driven
Marketers who now have an "evidence report"
to show their friends and family.

- And here's the really cool (and fun) part
about this group of us ...

There's never a dull moment.

Tons of fun and adventure - that's right, you'll
never get "bored" (satisfaction 100% Guaranteed!)

There's much more to mention, but that
will do for now.

So what do YOU do next?

Do what everybody else is doing...

See the [updated] video that started it all

Because at the end of the day, if you
don't get this type of opportunity often...

A chance to completely change your
financial situation NOW, and not in
3-5 years... with 100% Commissions
& a Loop Hole thats drives success
right into YOUR bank account...

You want to see this video & system

It's real.

It's really happening.

And it could be happening for you too.

Go here now to see how < ---

Be in touch again soon!

Anan Lashin 

P.S. To see the video that started it all, watch
to minute 23 and put yourself in the 'know'
about how fortunes are being made online...

Watch this Video

It's all so simple, just start here and see
for yourself how to get your share
Choose image

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

EVIL vs. 40,000 heroes (this is war)

Last night I saw Spiderman, and as you
probably know from reading the comic,
or watching the cartoon....

....spiderman wasn't always a 'super hero'.

He was an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary

First he lost his parents.

Then his uncle was shot in front of him.

And after that, he was picked on....


Made fun of....

And scoffed at.

From that pain, a HERO was born.

Saving LIVES.

Defying ODDS.

And fighting EVIL.

Not because of money, recognition, or power.

But because he had a burning PASSION to
make a difference.

And to NEVER quit fighting for what he believed in.

EVEN when....

His reputation was on on the line....

His future was a stake.....

And his life was on the line.

He kept fighting.

And against ALL odds, suited up, showed up....

And NEVER quit.

I know of another story almost EXACTLY
like that.

Except this time....

Instead of 1 ordinary person....

...there was 40,000 of them.

And even when the banks shut them down....

Or when Facebook 'slapped' their site.

Or when they were picked on....


Made fun of....

And scoffed at....

They kept fighting.

And against ALL odds, suited up, showed up....

And NEVER quit.

This is the story of not 1 hero....

...but of 40,000 heroes.

Who NEVER quit fighting for what they believed in.

EVEN when....

Their reputation was on on the line....

Their future was a stake.....

And their lives were on the line...

They NEVER quit.

Because like Spiderman....

....they ain't no wussies.

So even though our growth is AGGRESSIVELY

And over $11-million dollars have been deposited
into the bank accounts of ordinary people...

And for the first time ever - tens of thousands of
marketers are set-up, blogging, and have eliminated
the overwhelm people in this industry have struggled
with for YEARS....

You ain't gotta be a HERO to join.

But you damn sure can't be a wussy.

Watch THIS and decide.

And if you're ready to be EMPOWERED.

And lock arms with 40,000 other heroes on
a mission to make a difference.

Then let's lock arms....

...and FIGHT the forces of evil.

No Wussies allowed, period.

-Anan Lashin 
"The Facebook Slayer"

P.S. Even though MASSIVE amounts of
money has been earned...

...and insane breakthroughs have been had
with our products....

That doesn't mean everyone gets rich.

See: Our Average Earnings Report

P.P.S. This group of people are as close to
REAL LIFE heroes as I know.

How to Make People LOVE Buying from You

Below in the P.S. I include Instructions
on how to join our Facebook Group.

In the meantime, I've been thinking a lot
lately about the shear number of people
around the world, who literally sit around
and brainstorm about how to make money
on the internet.

It's tremendous actually - because everyone
knows that there is a ton of money to be

If, and only if, you know what you're doing.

Problem is... very few people know how
to get traffic and generate leads, let alone
make sales online with an automated funnel

It's a serious problem for most people
because they have NO idea what they
are doing or even where to start.

They're good people and are willing to
work hard to be successful... it's just not
that easy if you don't have anyone to show
you exactly what to do or how to do it.

Well, luckily, there's a new group that just
started on Facebook that has thousands
of people talking and posting about how
they are generating...

...Tons of Traffic, Leads & Sales.

The whole discussion surrounds some
pretty simple techniques that were developed
by a couple of guys who swear that they can
show pretty much anyone with a computer
that wants to make money online...

How to get people to literally "Fall In Love"
with buying stuff from you.

Apparently it works, because over 20,000
people have now been paid out nearly 4.3
million dollars in only 18 weeks with this stuff.

It might or might not be for you, but if you
have ever attempted to have your own online
income streams, even just to take some of
the financial pressure off, but had nobody to
show you what to do or how to do it...

You should see this video right away <---

Watch for the 3 things that everyone's doing
to make people buy like crazy and drive
ridiculous income into their accounts.

In the video you'll see how it all works and get
a better understanding about how simple my
friends Dave & Dave have made this for most
people wanting to do something now, and not
have to wait any longer to start having money
come in fast.

Check it out here and I'll be in touch again soon.

Anan Lashin 

P.S. At minute 23 of the video, you'll be given a
chance to be a part of our Facebook Group.

It's 'members only' type thing - you'll see what I mean.

The Leaders have been providing "Swipe Copy"
to thousands of members and they are loving it!

Because all they do is "Copy & Paste" and they are
making sales hand over fist right now.

Watch the Video and let me know what you think