Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Sequart’s TRANSMETROPOLITAN Book is Now Available for Purchase



Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (sequart.org) is proud to announce the release of its newest book of comics analysis, Shot in the Face: A Savage Journey to the Heart of Transmetropolitan, which is edited by Chad Nevett.


Published in 1997-2002, Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson's Transmetropolitan became famous for its foul-mouthed protagonist, Spider Jerusalem, and his "filthy assistants." But it's also a long-form comics masterpiece, a sci-fi comic that succeeded despite the odds, and an examination of journalism and politics — and how they intersect (or fail to do so). This book explores all these topics and more, from multiple points of view. It also includes interviews with both Ellis and Robertson.


Contributors include Greg Burgas, Johanna Draper Carlson, Julian Darius, Sara K. Ellis, Ryan K. Lindsay, Patrick Meaney, Jason Michelitch, Chris Murphy, Chad Nevett, Kevin Thurman, Brett Williams, and Sean Witzke.


The book sports a cover by Kevin Colden and runs 164 pages. It retails for $12.99 in print and is also available on Kindle for $6.99.


About the Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization is a non-profit devoted to the study and promotion of comic books as a legitimate art form. It publishes books and documentaries aimed at making comics scholarship accessible. For more information, click here.


Legal Disclaimer: Transmetropolitan and related characters are trademarked by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson. This book is not endorsed by DC Comics / Vertigo.

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